Nusta Karpay integratie (Blossoming)

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Een verdieping, verdere integratie van de inwijdingen van de Nusta is fijn. Zodat je de energie nóg beter kan dragen, voelen, integreren in je leven.

Een blossoming om de ‘zaden’ die de inwijdingen zijn te voeden en tot wasdom te laten komen.

We bieden de Nusta Blossoming soms aan als zweethut of als 2-daagse (datum in overleg voor een eigen groep) Hieronder vind je meer informatie over de Nusta Karpay Blossoming. (we zijn nog bezig met de Nederlandse vertaling, vandaar de engelse tekst hier)

The Nusta Blossoming will bring healing and a new balance in the masculine and feminine aspects in everyone! It will endeepen and develop your skills and understanding about the nusta’s more!

The nusta’s came from the constellations to earth to connect everything together: the sacred waters and lands and holy mountains and ourselves.
The seven initiations are for both men and women. The Nusta Blossoming will help you to reconnect again with the female energy within you, on a deeper level, so it can heal further and is allowed to be expressed. Although the female aspects are already near the surface, they need to be nurtured and a feeling of safety to become fully expressed.

The healing energy of the Nusta will help you strengthen your connection with all the feminine and male aspects within you and around you, on earth and the cosmos, through many layers. These initiations have a deep effect, they support and accelerate your spiritual growth. They help you find a new balance with yourself, connected with the healing of Mother Earth..

These beautiful energies will help to heal the wounded ego, reduce many fears, guilt, and enable you to let go of the feeling of the need to control everything. It will allow you to be your own inner master again. 
The revitalised deep connection with All and unconditional love will lead you directly to your heart! You can live in the new energy that is already present, but which has been hard to capture until now. First, we have to heal our old wounds, moving through the layers, gaining insights and growing our consciousness. Immediately, the flow of love will come as a constant companion in your life !
The Nusta Karpay will allow men to soften inside, while developing more empathy and getting more in tune again with their feelings and intuitions. These initiations will bring women into their own Goddess energy and the original deep femininity.

In the Inca-tradition of the Q’ero in Peru, the energies of the Nusta have been preserved very well. Until recently, the initiations were only passed on in their own community. In October 2009, the seven Nusta Karpay were passed through for the first time to the western world, in the Netherlands !
Karen and Lieke were in the very first group who received the initiations, given by the Paqos: Don Allejandro and Doña Maria. A half year later they brought the Blossoming to us in different ways. For the balance and wholeness to return to the world, we feel it is time for us to share the knowledge of the Nusta with the world. So that we can be as one !

In total there are 144 Nusta; during this Blossoming, we will reconnect with the seven main Nusta. Each Nusta brings a unique aspect to you, shining a different light on your path. It is the path of feminine healing and the path of the male in deep connection with Mother Earth. 

You channel the Nusta energy through powerful exercises. creating something beautiful, like a dreamcatcher, an idol or a painting and strengthen your connection by manifesting the mythical. A long and soft sweatlodge ceremony with many journeys will help to enrich your connection with the Nusta, and integrate the divine feminine energies at all levels.

Tukuy sonqoymanta, Lieke White Winds

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